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Hyperpigmentation is a common condition that makes some areas of the skin darker than others. Extra melanin creates spots or patches that look brown, black, gray, red or pink. The areas are not painful or itchy, but they can make people self-conscious. Several lifestyle changes and treatments can help, especially sun protection and skin care.


Hyperpigmentation is a common condition that makes some areas of the skin darker than others. “Hyper” means more, and “pigment” means color.

Hyperpigmentation can appear as brown, black, gray, red or pink spots or patches. The spots are sometimes called age spots, sun spots or liver spots.

The spots can occur in just one area of the body or all over


Hyperpigmentation can affect people of any race or ethnicity.

  • Is Hair Transplant a safe ad permanent solution ?
    Yes, Hair Transplant at Radiance Skin Care clinic is 100% safe as the experts here are qualified, accredited, and experienced. Hair Transplant is a permanent solution and results in maximum natural hair growth. For best results, get your treatment initiated in the early stages of hair thinning.
  • Who is a suitable candidate for a hair transplant?
    Anyone whose hair loss and hair thinning has progressed beyond stage 2 or more than 2 years, is a good candidate for hair transplant surgery.
  • How Long Does It Take For The Transplanted Hair To Grow?
    The customer can usually expect to see new hair growing within the first three months. The client will notice considerable differences from before the hair transplant between 6 months and a year. The hair will be thicker, longer, and denser in volume than it was previously.
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